Zebrafish Neuro Zebrafish Neuro

How to cut your SCI training costs by 60%

Spinal cord injury training is traditionally expensive. But it doesn’t have to be. Here’s how you can cut costs by 60% by recruiting a local student to help you log repetitions toward your movement goals.

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SCI Trainer/Neuro Therapist Support Zebrafish Neuro SCI Trainer/Neuro Therapist Support Zebrafish Neuro

3 ways to Create a Sustainable Career as an SCI Recovery Specialist

Like many trainers working in programs emphasizing gait training and dynamic exercises, it wasn’t long before I started developing back pain. I was facing the dilemma of continuing to work in this field while wrecking my body, or moving onto an entirely different career (interior design maybe?)

So while getting trained in Pilates, or purchasing Pilates equipment for your facility may not be an option, I encourage you to recognize the critical aspects of any SCI recovery program that support a sustainable career as an adaptive/spinal cord injury recovery therapist and find (or create!) a movement system that incorporates those characteristics, principles, and culture.

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On Tone & Spasticity Zebrafish Neuro On Tone & Spasticity Zebrafish Neuro

Tone & Spasticity in Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury: what, why, and how to address it

Tone and spasticity after spinal cord injury are real sources of frustration for anyone with an incomplete spinal cord injury, making it even more challenging to sleep, move, work out or be productive.

We've received many questions on how to best address unwanted tone and spasticity after SCI, but to understand why our strategies work, we first need to discuss why this seemingly unrelenting tone exists post-spinal cord injury.

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